Viral Infections and Pain
This presentation will cover the viral implication on pain from a biomechanical standpoint as well as a systemic inflammatory perspective. Both during and following infection with SARS COV2 and other viruses, people report pain. Post-viral syndrome is not a new phenomenon and some people will live with low-grade to moderate persistent pain for some time following infection with a whole host of viruses.
Tyna Moore, ND, DC is a Naturopathic Doctor and Chiropractic physician and #1 best-selling author of the book Pain-Free & Strong as well as her podcast by the same name. Her current passions include training doctors in regenerative medicine, her specialty in clinical practice for over a decade, as well as broadening their reach through digital and online marketing, so that they can have a stronger impact, make more money and enjoy more balance in their lives. Find more on Instagram @drtyna or