BECOME A MEMBER: Take an active role in shaping the future of healthcare in Wisconsin
Membership Types
There are 5 different types of WNDA memberships (see below). Please choose which category pertains to you and either apply online, or apply by mail.
if applying online:
If applying by mail:
General Member
For full-scope licensed Naturopathic Doctors who have graduated from an accredited residential 4-year post graduate naturopathic program.
New Graduate Member
For full-scope licensed Naturopathic Doctors in their first two years of practice.
Student Member
A student who is enrolled in an institution that will yield the individual eligible for regular membership upon graduation.
Associate Member
For Limited Scope Naturopathic Doctors licensed in Wisconsin or licensed healthcare practitioners other than naturopathic doctors wishing to support the purposes, mission, vision and goals of the WNDA, who are not eligible for membership as a General Member, and who are individually recognized as appropriate by the Membership Committee of the WNDA.
A naturopathic doctor who has graduated from a program of naturopathic medicine recognized by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education or its federally recognized successor agency but who does not hold a valid license from a state or jurisdiction whose license is acceptable to the AANP.
Supporting Member
Any other individual not eligible for memberships in the categorties above that supports the purposes, mission, vision and goals of the WNDA. Supporting members must have a sponsor who is a General Member. If you do not yet have a sponsor, please contact us by e-mail; alternately, we will gladly accept your donation.