Dr. Lindsey Wells

PANDAS/PANS and Autoimmune Encephalitis


Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders associated with Streptococcal Infections, or (PANDAS) and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS are autoimmune disorders that present with physiological, behavioral, and cognitive challenges. Acute onset of symptoms such as OCD, tics, anxiety, bedtime fears, inability to control urination, aggression, and deficits in learning, attention, and social interaction are among the many manifestations that result from PANDAS/PANS and impair the daily functioning and cognitive progress for many children. These symptoms manifest from Strep, Lyme, Viruses, Mycoplasma and other germs, which can lead to Autoimmune Encephalitis.  Thorough clinical evaluation combined with a comprehensive treatment approach that focuses on antimicrobial and immune-modulating therapy can transform PANDAS/PANS a devastating illness into a treatable condition.  

Lindsey Wells, ND is a naturopathic physician in Wilton, CT.  She has focused her practice on pediatric integrative care for PANS/PANDAS, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Lyme Disease and Co-Infections. other neurodevelopmental disorders, and various chronic illnesses. She is the President of the Connecticut Naturopathic Physicians Association (CNPA). As President of the CNPA, her effort is focused on expanding the scope of practice of Naturopathic Doctors in CT to include prescriptive authority and to cultivate a stronger naturopathic community in the state. Also, Dr. Wells is a Fellow with the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs. She has lectured for many organizations throughout the country on PANS/PANDAS and ASD to both professional and parent organizations. In 2016, Dr. Wells was recognized as “Young Influencer in Naturopathic Medicine” by the AANMC.