Education & Training

Education & Training: 


A licensable Naturopathic doctor has completed a four-year undergraduate degree, a four-year doctoral program through an accredited naturopathic medical school, and three years of supervised clinical training that includes over 1500 clinic hours, 600 patient contacts and comprehensive Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCES).

NDs provide both primary and complementary therapies that include botanical medicines, clinical nutrition, pharmacology, hydrotherapy, physical medicine, homeopathy and lifestyle counseling.

In order to ensure quality standards of naturopathic care, NDs must pass two rounds of Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX1&2) prior to obtaining a license within a regulated jurisdiction. NDs are also required to complete continuing medical education courses annually to maintain up-to-date knowledge recent clinical research, primary care practice guidelines, pharmacology, etc.